
A sample of our games.

A table top wargaming group who play games with miniatures.

Come and join us

We are an informal group who meet every two weeks in Holt Heath, a village just outside of Worcester in the UK.

The games we play

We play an eclectic mix of games, that regularly changes – we’re all wargaming butterflies!

Recent events

Here is our blog with pictures from recent group meetings.

Some other places

Here are some related places of interest that we think you may like to explore on the inter-web.

Who are we?

Some of us have been friends since childhood, and we’re adding new friends all of the time. This is our back story.

The Friends of General Haig

The friendly wargaming folk who meet in Worcestershire.

If you would like to find out about coming along to a game, or have any other questions then please email us:

The Village Hall, Holt Heath, Worcestershire. WR6 6NE